Hair set by @zero0kiryu
Create realistic hair texture for people or furry clothes in Procreate
With more than 80 different brushes, you can express easy & helpful hair drawings.
enjoy every single brush in this set with multiple types texture for each one.
there are a hair & fur brushes, glittery details for hair, glowing details.
Here I will show you more details about the set:
I will use every single brush to make a different hair types
U can see the difference between each brush .
and from that different u can create hair texture like smooth hair or silky hair and ruff hair type.
Now we will continue to other details like glowing & glittery hair brushes.
These kind of brushes works best on dark based hair color and if u use it as glowing u should choose a light color on the top of ur hair or fur drawing.
more over u can buy this set as one other set for only glittery hair details.
but in this set it’s included.
The difference between the dark shade and light shade.
Lasts thing in this set is the animal print hair texture & it’s my favorite 🤩 and the special one.
These are few types from the set hope u guys like it and thank u 🙏 .
hope this caption is helpful for u to decide if you want to own this set or not .
plz don’t forget to rate this set it’s help me to improve my creations.😇✨🙏
If you have any problem contact me in my
insta @zero0kiryu
TikTok @zero0kiryu